We touched down around 1:30, home safe.
I’ll tell the world, Mary saved the trip.
Sandy Dengler’s: Around The World In 80 Years
Okay. So I sailed 2000 miles to the observe: House sparrows aka English sparrows. I grew up with English sparrows.
Basalt church. Congregational. It figures.
Banyan trees all over.
Despite the paucity of birds, Kona is lovely. A church with a tall steeple would be right at home in New England except that it is built out of basalt blocks. Everything is built of basalt—buildings, piers, breakwaters etc.
Aged banyan trees are everywhere, providing dense shade against the sun.
And of course they and the other vegetation are lush and exotic.
Tender arriving
There is no dock deep enough to handle a cruise ship, so we anchor offshore and are tendered in. They use the lifeboats as tenders. Holland America not only trains its tender operators regarding navigational rules, they ship a couple divers on each run. I’d not seen that before.
Incidentally, the lifeboats have side thrusters. I asked. Blessings on you all