
One in a million? Two in a million. Wait! Eleven in a million. A family of emus; mom, dad, and seven half grown kids crossed and continued into the bush. All those long legs and long necks looked like a strutting bar code. The little ones didn’t yet have that haughty saunter that the adults have adopted. Like chicks everywhere, they scurried.

Without Mary, this trip would have been a flop. The drive from Shark Bay took nearly nine hours, and it takes one of those hours just to traverse the park.

A highlight of the trip out was a parentie in the road. Parenties are monitor lizards about two feet long give or take. You’ve seen pictures of Komodo dragons, or maybe the real thing. They are agamid lizards as are parenties. The most telling feature is a small head on an unusually long neck.

We are now in Perth, thirteen storeys above the street. In the next few days we will turn in the car and go touristing, then fly fifteen hours to the beds we love the best.

God bless you all.