Wyndham’s Tower III, where I am staying. The medical term is Cyanotic Silo.
First order of business: get a required medically supervised Covid test. The desk clerk provided phone numbers. Both insisted I enter their system. Neither offered an option to talk to a human being. A hotel lady directed me to RiteAid. Found it. They don’t do medically supervised. They directed me up 6 blocks. I can’t miss it. I could in fact. Three miles of walking, being misdirected, I stumbled upon a parking lot with sandwich board signs, traffic cones, and little white tents. When I got my first two vaccinations it was in a parking lot with the above-mentioned accoutrements. I walked in. Yes they did medically supervised Covid tests. Complete serendipity had again saved the day. I have the required (negative) test.
Wyndham here is across the street, literally from the cruise terminal.
When Alyce was a babe in arms, Bill and I visited the San Diego zoo.
Star of India; note pink tentacles.
We also visited the barque Star of India. It had just arrived, a hulk they wanted to restore. It also is moored across the street so I visited it. It is gorgeous , in mint condition and is sailed on occasion. Note in the photo the two giant squid tentacles. So I said to the docent, “destroy the last vestiges of my faith in monsters and tell me those tentacles are inflatables. They are, advertising a special exhibit on sea monsters. Ah, but Seattle has the real McCoy!
Release the kraken!!