
Northbound up the Chilean coast

The Sunday before last the chaplain at worship service suggested that if music indeed soothes the savage beast, mayhap singing loudly will improve the weather as we pass the southern tip of South America, notorious for its savage storms. By cracky, it worked. We had excellent weather throughout that portion of the cruise. Indeed, the weather the whole cruise has been marvelous.

Embarkation Day

Somewhere many years ago, I think I read that Disney invented the turkey chute at Disneyland. They put it to good use boarding the QV passengers. We went through security similar to airports’ but it was faster and more sensible and they didn’t care if you carry a knife. Don’t get caught with a bottle of Pepsi, though. Then we snaked back and forth in the chute to reach a bank of folks who took our pictures and issued us cards. Through the tunnel and aboard.